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Tricks to Speed Up Computer - What Tricks Can I Use to Speed Up My PC?

Do you feel that your computer speed is slowing down day by day? If you do, then this article is for you as we will share a few tricks that you can use to speed up your PC.

Computer slowdowns is a very common problem, studies shows that 3 out of 4 computers suffers this problem. We will share some tips and tricks in this article that will help to speed up your PC performance.

These are a few things you can do to speed up your computer, below are 3 effective ways to increase the performance of your machine:

#1 Disk cleanup: doing a disk cleanup will remove all the unnecessary files that are stored on your computer. Files like internet cached files, recycle bin files and files that you do not use for a long time. Cleaning all of these files will free some disk space, which results in an increase of PC speed for up to 5 percent. Every little helps.

#2 Disk defrag: doing a disk defrag, will reorganise all the files and folders like a library. This will free some of your memory resulting in an increase of another 5 percent of your computer speed.

#3 Registry Cleanup: by doing a registry cleanup, you will dramatically increase your computer speed and performance! This will speed up your computer to its maximum power! To do this you will need a Registry Cleaner program. These kinds of programs will seek and remove all of your computer registry problems. Once they are fixed and removed, your computer will free most of its memory resulting in a comprehensive increase of speed and performance!

After testing some of the top registry cleaners on the marker I have created a comprehensive review site that details my findings. Here is the website http://www.registryeasy-clean.com/

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